Day 25

Bringing Heaven to Earth

“May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10 NLT

At the heart of Jesus' teachings, we find a pivotal prayer in Matthew 6:10, commonly known as the Lord's Prayer. Here, Jesus prays for the arrival of God's kingdom on Earth - not in some distant, far-off future, but here and now.

This prayer is not a desperate plea but an invitation for believers to engage in doing what we can to be the body of Christ. As we actively embody our prayers, we look for ways in which we can partner with God to bring about something of the goodness, love and hope of Heaven here and now.

Today, ponder the significance of this prayer, recognising that you are an ambassador of Heaven on Earth through your identity as a co-heir with Christ. Consider practical ways to align your life with God's will, actively contributing to the realisation of His kingdom wherever you might find yourself, in the big and small of life, bringing Heaven's grace, love, and justice to a world in need.

In what ways can you actively contribute to bringing Heaven to Earth?